"Only do not rebel against the LORD. And do not fear the people of the land, for they are bread for us. Their protection is removed from them, and the LORD is with us; do not fear them."
How can two people who saw the same thing have such opposing reactions and reports? Simple: perspective. One saw the size of the people and their abilities and reported back that they should fear and flee, even back to Egypt where they were slaves. The other, Caleb, saw the fact that "the Lord is with us" and that their opponents' "protection is removed from them," assuming that it was the Lord who removed it.
When you perceive from your own point of view, then it is easy to succumb to fear, laziness, defeat and the like towards whatever your "promised land" is. Maybe it's that project you always wanted to complete, running a marathon, buying a house, becoming an avid reader, being more philanthropic... whatever! In some way we all have opposition that faces us when it comes to doing good. But what is your view, your perception of that opposition?
Will you let that perception be fear? Or apathy? Giving in to the enemy and its apparently overwhelming size? Or will you see that Jesus has stripped the enemy of all his power and has left him defenseless, and through perseverance, trust, faith, and hard work you can enter the promised land of your most ambitious dreams and goals?
When you begin to see any opposition in your life as "bread," that which doesn't oppose you but actually NOURISHES you towards your goal, then you already have victory over that enemy. Now you must simply walk past that enemy of fear and into victory.