I'm five feet, nine inches tall.
On a good day.
I was the starting center for the basketball team.
In sixth grade.
I was on an intramural basketball team where the average height on the team was six feet, three inches.
Mind you, i "contributed" to that average.
I'm not super short, but i have settled on the fact that for a guy, i'm short.
Matthew 6:27 can be translated "Who of you by worrying can add a single cubit to his height?"
Worry silently kills even our best days, let alone our bad ones.
Worry is the belief that you somehow have the ability to do a greater amount of bad than God can do good. At the end of the day, worry is at best a distraction and at worst an idol that is unable to eclipse the Son.
You should not worry not because God commands you not to, but because your worry hides you from God and His goodness.
That chapter in Matthew ends with the command, "But seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." (v. 33)
Do you trust that His storehouse of goodness does not compare to the worst-case-scenario? Do you trust enough to seek. Because seeking takes faith.
Trust is for what has already occurred. Faith gives us the boldness to step into what hasn't yet occurred. We need both to stand and then move forward in any scenario of our faith.
Worry keeps us in our seats.
Keeps us short, and more importantly, non-effective in our faith.