Sunday, January 6, 2013
We are all guilty. We all have fallen short. None of us have ever reached the top.
No I’m not talking about the affects our fallen, sinful state. I’m talking about New Year’s resolutions!
How many times have we promised to lose the weight, pick up that new hobby or habit, or made vague
promises about becoming a better person? We all have in one way or another, and most often around
this time of the year. The question that always weighs on my mind as I work with college students is this:
how does a person actually change?
If the answer was quick and easy, we would go to the drive-thru of the McResolutions or download the app or buy the product for 3 easy payments within the next eight minutes or of course miss out. But the answer is not easy; no, the answer is Biblical in its proportions! Romans 12:2 says, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” That is the NIV’s rendering of it. Here’s the Phil Living Translation:
“You have a choice. Live out the story that the world offers you and feel hollow, or choose to live out the
story that God offers you and become fully alive.”
Too often we make these resolutions without considering what the best overarching story would be
for our lives. I believe this makes us like waves tossed in the ocean (see the warning in Ephesians 4:14).
I have come to believe that if we really want to change, we must become enchanted by the story of
God’s great love for us, a love that frees us to be history makers and world changers. A story that reflects God's story, His love.
I'm also amazed around this time that we as followers and children of God don't lead the charge on making and keeping great resolutions, around New Year's and all the time! In Matthew 5:33-37 Jesus tells us not to swear by anything, whether it's heaven, earth, Jerusalem or our own head. I think the idea here is that we would no longer say things like "I swear by my mother's grave" or "cross my heart..." type phrases. But i also think Jesus would address our need to always "Betchya" that we can do something. But why does He give us the standard of "Let your 'Yes' be 'Yes' and your 'No' be 'No."?
Because imagine if God was any different. Imagine if God had to coax us into His promises! And keeping oaths or promises or resolutions wasn't a new level of legalism that Jesus was setting up for us, nor a new level of perfection, per se. He was setting us up for a new level of responding to and reflecting His love expressed to us and to creation.
Again, keeping our oaths, promises, resolutsions, etc. causes us to reflect His likeness on earth, in our workplaces, in our neighborhoods, in our circles. Anything less displays a God that has to somehow coax us and lay wagers on His dependency!
May you have grace and peace and boldness going into this new year, especially along the lines of your New Year's resolutions/reflections of God! The following are a few books that have helped me along the lines of this blogpost in my own day to day life. Enjoy!
“Engaging God’s World” by Cornelius Plantiga Jr. A brief Biblical look on how the overarching story of
God impacts the way we live out our faith.
“Boundaries” by Cloud and Townsend. This duo has penned several books that get into the practicality
of taking back our lives so we can fully offer them to God.
“Reordered Love, Reordered Lives…” by David K. Naugle. I haven’t finished this book yet but Naugle
offers a fantastic look into our own souls to help us discover how happiness effects our lives every day in
every way.
“A Million Miles in a Thousand Years” by Donald Miller. Miller is being touted by many as being the voice
to the young adult generation. I consider this his best book! It isn’t going to aide you on the practical
end, but it will change your life from the inside out. It’s the best book out of this group I’ve offered.
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