Wednesday, April 14, 2010

too good to be true

"seems too good to be true."

Don't i know it?

I think a lot of us search for God to be true. There's just one problem with that, and Meredith Vieira hits on that poignantly in this interview. God is simply "too good to be true." He's too good to be simply true. In fact, He's just plain good. And that is what makes him true: His goodness. Here's one example how.

And i believe this is just the first of many, many, many stories we are going to have like this! For four days Florida's best, by land and by air, were searching for this girl. In one morning James King finds her "by the Spirit of the Lord."

My wife asked me, "How does a girl just wander off into the swamp?" It reminded me of the story of when Jesus let Lazarus ("...he sure knows how to take one for the team.") die in John chapter 11. Martha says to Jesus, "if You had been here, my brother would not have died." Earlier in the chapter when Jesus gets wind of Lazarus' sickness He tells the disciples, "This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God's glory so that God's Son can be glorified through it."

I know that a lot of "bad" happens and doesn't end in this same result. And there still is no one great answer to all the evil in the world. But i know that every situation that is bad is a huge opportunity for God's Son to be glorified.

The question is not whether God's up for the task. He always is. The question is, is James King up for the task?

I can hear the taunts already in his head. "Don't bring water. You won't find her. Don't bother with the toilet paper. There's no chance." I doubt that this was easy for him. But, it was good.

So the question is no longer is James King up to the task. No. Are you up to the task? Am i up to the task?

There are a lot of non-believers out there. And i think Christians often think, "how can they not believe?" Maybe we need to ask this: "What is something impossible i can go after?" Instead of trying to always present proofs and arguments, we should live out lives that reek of the impossible happening "by the Spirit of the Lord." But that only happens if you believe it will and you bring the toilet paper.

Are you up to pursuing the impossible?

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